Full-Dimensional IVIG Therapy
Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy, or IVIG, is a big deal. Serious medical issues require serious interventions, and IVIG treatment can be an invasive, time-consuming process. A full course of IVIG treatment requires commitment on the part of patients, patient families, and caregivers alike. Besides coping with the considerable time and practical demands involved with IVIG therapy, patients need to get solid answers and insights about the procedures and precautions involved in making IVIG therapy a success.
When your doctor prescribes IVIG to address your condition, you naturally need skilled professional assistance in administering the treatments, at a bare minimum. But you probably also need something more: A caregiver who understands what you’re going through. Someone who can answer pressing questions – and if there are questions they can’t answer, will find someone who can. Someone you can count on to stick with you, today, tomorrow, and for as long as they are needed. That’s where Heartfelt Care matters most.
By Your Side. On Your Side.
Our company was co-founded by a long-term IVIG patient. His experience as a patient shapes everything we do as an IVIG and infusion treatment provider. Our founders’ first-hand experiences provide the patient-side “insider” knowledge of what our clients need, and how best to ensure that they get it.
We’re here to provide expert, state of the art treatment—of course. But we’re here to do much more. Your Heartfelt caregiver’s goal is to understand and anticipate your needs. To fully answer your questions. To collaborate with you in creating a care plan and schedule that lets you get the most out of life—and out of your treatment.
Making Treatment The Best It Can Be.
By nature, IVIG treatment is cumbersome, invasive, inconvenient, and likely somewhat uncomfortable. When treatment is simply routine, discomfort and inconvenience is often treated as being inevitable. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Having the right treatment provider can go a long way towards minimizing IVIG’s downsides. Heartfelt Care understands that no two patients are exactly alike, and no two treatment regimens should be, either. We will work collaboratively with you to create a treatment routine that works best for you.